Fondation Arusjak Tschakarjan

(Arusjak Tschakarjan Stiftung)

Promotion de la pédiatrie publique en Bulgarie

Project 2015-1




One Immunoassay Analyzer (i-Chroma) with one printer

175 C-reactive protein (CRP) and 30 Procalcitonin tests

Three Multifunction Carts, three planes, with support plates

One Apparatus Cart, two planes, with support plates


Clinic of Paediatrics

of the University Multiprofile Hospital for Active Medical Treatment „Aleksandrovska“, Sofia, 1 „Sv. Georgi Sofijski“ street

Head of Clinic:

Professor Dr Penka Perenovska

Deliveries by: 

Biomed, Sofia (Analyzer, Printer and Tests)

Valdi, Bankya (Carts) 

Delivery Dates:  

30 March 2015 (Analyzer and Printer)

16 April 2015 (Carts)

24 April 2015 (CRP Tests)

15 June 2015 (Procalcitonin Tests)

Professor Dr Penka Perenovska (in the middle), Dr Valery Isaev and the lab technician I. Dinova, on the table the Analyzer (2015)